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Chelle Anderson

Intuition-Let it guide you.....

Intuition: noun, the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning; a thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather then conscious reasoning.

That is the definition of intuition from the Oxford Dictionary. But what is intuition really? Everyone talks about following your intuition, what does that mean? The following is an example.....

It is a beautiful, wintery Sunday morning in Minnesota. When I wake I contemplate what I want to do...HOT yoga! That sounds great on this very cold Minnesota day. I feel into my intuition and ask, "Is it for my higher good to go to CorePower yoga today?" I immediately feel the swirling in the spot where your rib cage goes up.

YES!!! I am super excited, my intuition has answered yes! I am even more excited because this is the first yes in several days. I look at the schedule and decide that I will go to the C2 75 minute class at noon.

I then grab my coffee and make my "to do" list for the day. I have several items listed. As I do everyday, I ask my intuition what is the first item to do for my higher good....GARBAGE

"WHAT????!!!" NOOOOOOO.....I don't want to walk to the end of the driveway (600+feet). It is COLD out....NOOOO!!!

However, as I always do- I follow what my intuition says. I don't question, I just follow. It always guides me for my higher good. So I head towards the door. I get on my boots, my hat, my mittens, my coat. Pretty soon I am bundled up and ready to head outside. As I head outside I see the driveway is glare ice! It looks like a skating rink.

NO! I want to go to yoga- but how am I going to get out? I will never make it up the hill!

Then I start to laugh. I shout out to the universe..I love you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Now, you may be thinking I'm crazy for more then one reason. But what I have just realized is that because my intuition has guided me to the garbage- which would NOT have been my first choice. I now have 3+ hours to figure out how I'm going to get out of my very slick driveway. IF I had waited until the time I needed to leave, I would never have been able to go. I would never have been able to fix my driveway in time.

Intuition for me is a feeling inside. For some it is an actual voice they hear. It is located between my solar plexus and my heart chakra. It is my higher self, God's spark inside me. I tune into it often. I will ask it a yes or no question. My intuition responds with a gurgly, bubbly feeling. It guides me and it is always right. Now don't get me does not always give me the answer I WANT, and it always gives me the answer that I need.

I encourage you to tune in, feel or hear your intuition. EVERYONE has it. It is that gut feeling. We just need to tune in and listen. Practice. Ask you intuition and then follow what it tells you. Your intuition is an amazing guide!

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