I believe that everyone needs coaching and support. We are given guides along our journey. These are mine. Please utilize them knowing that they come highly recommended by me.
Tamara – www.SpiralofLifeHealing.com
I have done energy healing work with Tamara. She is amazing and I could feel her even though she is on the other side of the world.
Jana Johnson- JanaJohnsonHealingWorks.com
I have worked with Jana on chakras, intuitive energy healing, and breathwork.
Allie Maurer- Allie Maurer.com
I have done psychic readings with Allie as well as bodywork. She has a lot of gifts.
Deb Frischmon- DebFrischmon.com
Deb is an incredible coach. She holds retreats and does numerology. She is the person who helped me begin my journey and is always there for support.
Bobby Sullivan- BobbyOSullivan.com
I have worked with Bobby on aura readings and past life regression.
Wes Hamilton- WesHamilton.com
I went to Wes to get my numerology done.
Dr. Jeff Lynch- Livingwellmn.com
Jeff is my knight in shining armor! When I was told that I had to go to a chiropractor 3 times a week for the rest of my life, I found Dr. Jeff. He practices NUCCA. The first time I saw him I held my adjustment 1 month, prior to that I was not even holding my adjustments for 24 hours. Now I see him every 6-9 months depending on if I need an adjustment. He is truly amazing!
Julie Stevens- TheHealingPathmn.com
Julie is an intuitive massage person. She has the ability to hone in on whatever your body needs.
Eric Christopher- EricJChristopher.com
I worked with Eric on past life regression. He has a gentle way to help you remember.